Open Source Projects

PlayFab GSDK Unreal Plugin

The idea behind the PlayFab GSDK Unreal Plugin was to port the current C++ GSDK to Unreal Engine type, so that there are no issues with integrating it in an Unreal Engine Project, because of mismatching libraries.

In the background it is heavily using the asynchronous systems of Unreal Engine 4, meaning FCriticalSection in combination with FScopeLocks for thread safety, and async threads and tasks for continuous heartbeat to the backend on PlayFab. Also, FEvent is used to pause execution on the heartbeat thread in between heartbeats, and also to lock the game thread while waiting for the server to go in active state.

More about the PlayFab GSDK Unreal Plugin can be found here.

Open API Generator

In the Open API Generator I was contributing new generators for server stubs for C++ REST API implementation. In this case my contribution was the initial Restbed server stub implementation and a generator generating Apache2 configuration files for setting up the endpoints. This was all in 2017.

More about the Open API Generator can be found here.